Food, Yarn, & Stuff

Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

Hello blogging world… I’ve been away for far too long! And, unfortunately I’ve also fallen off the vegan track. But I recently watched a documentary – Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead, and it’s gotten my juices flowing… pun intended!

I had been thinking about juicing, as I had read a bit about the health benefits, and I went out and got a juicer and have been having fun with it over the last week or so.  And, as hubby and I are both in need of a bit of a diet re-set it seems like this “Reboot” idea might not be too bad!  So, I’m going to try out some more recipes over the next couple weeks as we prepare to do a “Quick Start Reboot” – a 10 day juicing session, which does include some eating, but only fruits and veggies for 10 days.  We’ll see how that goes!  Hopefully well, and we’ll be on track for eating a cleaner, healthier diet free of processed foods and most animal products.

I’ve been drinking the “Mean Green Juice” for a few days over the last week, and I ran out of kale today – I must say I actually kind of missed it.  So, even though it’s not the most desirable tasting juice combination – I can tell it’s doing good things.

I’m going to do my best to keep this blog up to date with our progress!

I saw this recipe popped up the other day for me.

Tofurkey Italian Sausage and Rice Recipie (Vegan) | My Mind In Bytes.

I had just tried Tofurkey Italian Sausage for the first time a day or so before.  I’ll have to post the full recipe – but I ‘veganized’ an recipe for stuffed zucchini, and used some Tofurkey Italian Sausage that I had in the fridge in lieu of the ‘traditional’ italian sausage that the recipe called for.  I had also seen it used on a Vegan Zombie episode when he made pizza rolls.  This stuff is really good!  I have to admit – I’m only a partial fan of the Tofurkey brand, at least so far.  And I was really pleasantly surprised at how good this sausage tasted!  The seasoning was right on, just a touch of spice – I would imagine that this sausage and rice recipe would hit the spot!  I’ll be adding it to my “to try” list!


I’m going to a friend’s house tomorrow night for a girls night.  Just a plain old girls night – hanging out, eating, talking, drinking, and laughing!  This is the first ‘girls night’ since I’ve decided to become vegan.  So it’s my first ‘party’ experience.  I can’t recall how I got linked to this recipe, I think it was through Twitter, but I thought it would be a great one to try to bring to the party!

Kristina’s Kitchen » Creamy Spinach Artichoke Dip- w/ some modifications 🙂

I even have most of the ingredients that I need to make it!  I probably won’t tell anyone that it’s vegan, unless they ask (although some may read this through my post on Facebook).  We’ll see how it goes!

What’s your favorite vegan ‘party snack’ to make or bring to non-vegan parties?

I stumbled across this recipe on Twitter recently, and it sounded super yummy!  Especially since it’s been so hot, in the 90’s but feels like 100’s, here in Chicago for the last week!

Ice Cold Red Tea Latte :Mosaic Kitchen

I’m a HUGE fan of the So Delicious products, and this sounds so easy and so delicious!  I think I’ll have to give this one a try this week!

This is one of my new favorite websites –!  They posted these guides recently.  My personal favorite is “The Care and Feeding of Vegans – A handbook for non-vegans”.  A great guide to send along to family and friends if you’re going to be staying.

All American Vegan | Guides

There are also guides for vegan substitutions, as well as pamphlets that you can print out and take to your favorite local restaurants and grocery stores about why they should consider vegans in their food plans too!

Thanks All American Vegan for taking some of the ‘mystery’ of being vegan out of the equation for my family and friends!

I heart Pad Thai!  I was a little disappointed when I thought about it and realized that pad thai isn’t vegan, as there are usually scrambled eggs included.  Although, I think it might be something that can be ordered without, I just haven’t tried yet.  But, I saw this recipe posted by One Green Planet the other day on Facebook, and I had to save it!

Recipe: Street Pad Thai | One Green Planet

I’ve looked up various pad thai recipes in the past, and felt a little overwhelmed by the list of ingredients.  But this one actually seems pretty reasonable.  So, I’ll put it on my ‘to try’ list – and I’ll be sure to post back once I actually get around to trying this one!

I admit, I’m a fan of The Pioneer Woman – even though she’s definitely not of the vegan persuasion.  I love her writing and her blog is fun to read.  And then there’s her recipe site Tasty Kitchen.  I was afraid that my switch to vegan food meant that I should delete this ‘favorite’ from my web browser.  But, the other day the featured recipe was vegan!  So, I decided to re-visit this recipe site and was happy to find this…

Vegan | Tasty Kitchen: A Happy Recipe Community!

She has a “Special Dietary Needs” option which includes vegan… yay!!  So, now I’m slowly making my way through the recipes and adding ones I’d like to try to my recipe box.  I’m excited that I can still be a part of the Tasty Kitchen community even though I’m no longer partaking in the meat and dairy part!

Thank you Pioneer Woman for including ‘us’ in your community!

This is one of my new favorites!  I was upset to read that my favorite “non-dairy” creamer isn’t vegan (and is actually quite the chemical cocktail really.)  While I’ll probably keep it on hand for coffee emergencies (and travel when I can’t keep a refrigerator with me).  If someone who reads this knows of a powdered creamer (preferably French Vanilla flavor) that is vegan – please comment or contact me and let me know!

So Delicious Creamer - French Vanilla (image from So Delicious website)

I tried this once at the ‘very beginning’ of my vegan journey.  I have a hard time with liquid creamers in my coffee.  I feel like I usually need to use far more than the suggested serving in order to get the flavor that I get from a serving of the powdered stuff that I was used to.  That’s not really the case with the So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer.  I’ll admit that I haven’t tried the original flavor, but I think that’s because I like my coffee sweet.  So, I enjoy having a flavored creamer.  The French Vanilla is definitely at the top of my favorites list.  It has a nice vanilla flavor, and it’s sweet without being too sweet.

I just bought the Hazelnut flavor to try – and I’ll try it (and post a review) in a few days once my vanilla is all gone.  I also bought their Original Flavor Coconut Milk to try when I’m done with the 1/2 gallon of Almond Milk that’s in my fridge right now.

I think So Delicious is a brand that is doing an amazing job at making non-dairy items to replace those that most omnivores are used to.  So, whether you’re vegan or have a dairy allergy or just would rather avoid dairy – give these a try!  They’re widely available, and Whole Foods has a good selection of products in both dairy and frozen, a bit more limited at “traditional” grocery stores.

I give this creamer an A+!

I was super excited to find this list.  I’m really a kid at heart when it comes to ‘treats’.

Riley’s Top 10 Vegan Treats | All American Vegan

I’ve always had a pretty strong sweet tooth – so it’s nice to see that there are some good-looking vegan sweet treats out there (besides those that I’ve already tried!)  Now, it’s just a matter of finding and trying some of these for myself!  I’ll have to take a closer look at the Whole Foods bakery next time I’m there!

Last Friday I was able to pick up our first bunch of veggies from our CSA share at Green Earth Institute.

CSA Veggies - July 8th, 2011

This week’s haul included Garlic Scapes, Scallions, Bok Choy (it’s related but not actually Bok Choy), Kale, Sage, Peas, Summer Squash, Beets, Radishes, and Lettuce.  To tell you the truth – I had never heard of garlic scapes or the ‘bok choy’ relative before.  And, I’m trying to be mindful and use as much of these veggies as possible!  This is on top of the 3 heads of romaine that I harvested from our own garden on Friday.  Here’s how I used them this week:


For lunch we had a nice big salad with home-grown romaine, beet greens, a little bit of radish (2 of the small ones), carrots, sugar snap peas, and garbonzo beans.


I had planned to make a stir fry Saturday night, but it didn’t work out – so that’s going to be dinner on Sunday!  I’ll use some of the garlic scapes, bok choy, maybe some summer squash, some sugar snap peas, a bag of frozen stir-fry veggies, some baked teriyaki tofu, and chow mein noodles.

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